The drive up with no radio or cd player
The back deck
Jeff Belanger
Our view from the merch room
the lobby
moose in the lobby
my room for the first weekend
The view from my room
The living room in my suite for the second weekend
The balcony of my room
View from the balcony
This is what happens when you pass your camera off to Jimmy
and this...
Hangin in the lobby
Holly checking people in
Holly and I working the registration table
the line for registration
The line snaked out the door and stayed like that for over two hours
putting passes together
Holly and I at the meet and greet table
Everyone left us...
Awesome skull necklaces made by Holly's friend
the merch table from the back porch
Mike Brody and Jeff Belanger opening up for the meet and greet
The crowd
Meet and greet table
Amy and Britt
Steve, Tango and Kristyn
J and G
Ashleigh's magic trick
Getting the hot sauce ready for Brody and Britt
Awww shit...
Bathrobe party
The absolutely amazing Adam Blai
Brody testing out my jacuzzi tub
Trashy ladies!
I think Brody was looking for UFO's
Loren chattin it up with G
Brody trying to steal bigfoot from Loren
Holly and Britt
Piggy back rides 50 cents
digging for gold
bear hugs
Holly and Loren
Ashleigh and Loren
Robin, Holly and Ali
Jeff rockin my sunglasses
I don't know what happened here
smoking section
liquor was consumed
up close and personal
door to the cave
The cave
sweet shoes
Howie and Holly
favorite ladies of weekend two
Ouija collection
The Butcha's Ouija tattoo
radio show from the lobby
The Spalding