Monday, February 28, 2011

New Moth Man Movie!

I cannot wait to see this.

Three Chimneys Inn Event in NH!!

Three Chimneys Inn Event in Durham NH
April 22nd and 23rd

Come investigate this historical (and very active) inn!

Come and learn the history and haunts of this 1649 Inn and see why it is considered one of New Hampshire’s most haunted hotels!!

Event will include a lecture and introduction to the world of paranormal investigation brought to you by Jeff and Lisa of Northern Paranormal Research Society and Chris ("Haunted New Hampshire") and "Haley Haunted" (that's me!) of Chronicles of the Haunted... well as exclusive access to the hotel for an overnight investigation!!

Event tickets are $50 for the lecture and investigation and dinner tickets CAN be purchased separately if you are not planning to stay at the Inn.


The rooms look like this...

My room has an actual knight in it and many of the rooms have jacuzzis.

Just sayin.

Event tickets can be purchased HERE.

To book your room for the event, please contact them at
(603)868-7800 or (888)399-9777

Friday, February 4, 2011

Paranormal Mystery in Manchester, N.H.

Paranormal Mystery. Manchester NH.

Why is there an overwhelming smell of burnt toast on the Bridge Street Bridge every single morning?

Every morning.

These are my predictions:

Either I am smelling the residual haunting of a mill building from the industrial era of Manchester who's furnaces were fueled by croutons or...

someone in "little Puertirico" is burning a shitload of toast.

What the hell.