However, some things have changed in the internet and paranormal world around me so I did some research on the events since I left...
*Of course the news that has everyone abuzz: Grant Wilson has left Ghost Hunters, a blow to fans everywhere.
Watch his last show this week on SyFy
*Amy Bruni is pregnant. A blow to male ghost hunter fans everywhere.
*Facebook has a new layout and it sucks.
*I'm still getting added to facebook groups I have no interest in despite my many pleas to stop. Seriously, cut the shit.
*"Breading" has become all the internet rage. This of course is when people put their cat's head through a loaf of bread.
*We still haven't found Bigfoot.
*The Booth Brothers are still wearing whacky hats.

*I still don't know how to make pictures smaller
*Still no chupacabra.
*Scott Gruenwald continues to make us laugh with his paranormal parodies.
*And sadly, an investigator in North Carolina was killed while investigating a "ghost train" on the anniversary of a tragic crash. Please exercise safe investigating!
Now that I'm all caught up and back in the loop, stay tuned for more bad reviews and sarcastic sightings!